
San Gabriel Halloween Block Celebration


Dia de los Muertos Celebration

Navarro's Martial Arts & Fitness Academy Celebration

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Fair

Sponsor: Boys and Girls Club Excelsior Clubhouse

Excelsior Teach-in

Sponsor: Golden Bridges School

4th of July Parade

Sponsors: Mission Terrace Improvement Association and Roxie Food Center

Jerry Day

Outdoor seating at The Salad Place and Rotisserie

Green Arts Workshop Visiting Artist Series

Kairos - Dramatizing a Better Neighborhood theater

Summer Arts Program for Excelsior

Sponsor: Lick-Wilmerding High School

Excelsior Snapshot

Sponsor: Youth Art Exchange

Here to dance, here to vibe! (monthly dance and music)

Sponsor: Rising Rhythm

Excelsior Bikes (training and neighborhood ride)

Longfellow Elementary at Excelsior Science Workshop



Balboa Park Free Movie Night

Excelsior Outer Mission Merchants (EOMM) - Showing of Raiders of the Lost Ark on June 23rd at dusk (about 8pm), 2000 San Jose Avenue, SF

Community Sprouts Series

All classes are held in the June Jordan School for Equity Community Farm & Kitchen and are free. 2018 classes include: March 10th - Starting Your Spring Garden, April 14th - Natural Plant Dyes, May 12th - Herbs for Emotional Health, June 9th - Flower Bouquets + Herb Wreaths

Engine 43 Art Studio

Artist spaces and local art gallery with community events - 724 Brazil Avenue, SF

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Family Community Event

Boys & Girls Club Excelsior Clubhouse STEAM Festival - Saturday, April 7th, 11am-3pm, 163 London Street, SF

Cayuga Stairway Beautification - Mosaic Project

Project sponsored by Cayuga Community Connectors

District 11 Multilingual Social Services Online Directory

The Excelsior Works! Community Resource Guidebook provides a range of District 11 and neighboring community service resources. The guidebook is an important tool for community based organizations and a resource for Chinese, Spanish, and Tagalog speakers.

Storefront Bench

At Excelsior Coffee, Mission Street

Excelsior Walk & Roll Hub

National Walk & Roll to School Week event - Tuesday, April 17th at Excelsior Playground

Stories by Youth

Project sponsored by Excelsior Community Center

Cultural & Community Nights at James Denman Middle School

Project sponsored by OMI/Excelsior Beacon Center

Think Park Redwood Circle at James Denman Middle School

Project sponsored by OMI/Excelsior Living Library

xSpace Experimental Art-focused Pop-up

Youth Art Exchange is transforming an empty storefront at 5109 Mission Street (formerly Chuck’s Meat Market) into xSpace. It will host a gallery, art workshops and events, a youth-run print shop, artist studios, and much more programming all open to the public. 


Excelsior Car Show October, Ever Upward Productions - October 8, 11:00AM TO 6:00PM

The Excelsior car show celebrates a proud, long standing Excelsior tradition of cruising Mission street.  This car show features muscle cars to show cars from the 50's through today.  FUN for ALL with kid friend activities, inflatables, arts & crafts, face painting and live, local entertainment.   Contact: Diane Wunderlich, excelsiordistrict@yahoo.com.

Healthy Excelsior, Community Well                       October 14th and 15th, 9:00am to 3:00pm

Offerings and services will include:
* Yoga/Pre-Natal Yoga
* Meditation
* Energy Work/ Reiki sessions
* Nutrition & Health Talks
* Healthy Family & Baby Workshops
* Financial Empowerment Workshop
* Lactation Education
* "Ask The Doulas"
* Health Benefits of Aromatherapy
* Life Coaching/Personal Development
* Somatic Healing
Contact: Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin, communitywellsf@gmail.com

Excelsior World - It's All Here!  Excelsior Festival Committee - October 16, 2016 from 11:00am to 4:00pm

This is the fourth year this event will be held in conjunction with SF Sunday Streets - Excelsior.  The Excelsior Festival Committee is celebrating their 12th event by changing things up a bit by creating a village fair.  The event will still feature great local music acts and a free mini carnival on Ocean Avenue between Mission and Alemany.  Kids can do arts and crafts, activities from Excelsior Science Workshop, ride mechanical ponies, play on inflatables, and more!   Contact:  Grace D'Anca, mabear08@sbcglobal.net.

Community Bike Tree Planting, Friends of the Urban Forest Planting Day - December 3, 9:30am to 12:30pm

Joining with PODER and SF Bike Coalition FUF will combine community participation, homeowner coordination, bicycle workshops, green education and community action, FUF will help many neighbors meet and organize for better health through bicycle exercise, reduced crime through an increased attention to their urban canopy, and a better quality of life through reducing pollution by planting trees to that absorb our CO2 and release life sustaining oxygen.  The Community Action Grant provides additional financial assistance to those who would like to purchase trees in October on a sliding scale.  The planting day for the Excelsior, Crocker Amazon, & Mission Terrace one of the biggest of the year!  Contact Jasmine Lim, jasmine@fuf.net.

Lights, Camera, Excelsior!  Youth Art Exchange

Local High School youth, under the mentorship of professional filmmaker Matthew Brown, will develop footage into 3 short videos showcasing our neighborhood.  The Excelsior is often overlooked in the landscape of San Francisco’s other neighborhoods and this project will provide an opportunity to educate those outside of the community on the neighborhood and to celebrate the many cultures and bustling things that are happening with the "E".  Contact: Reed Davaz McGowan, reed@youthartexchange.org.

Excelsior Art Explosion, Digital Action HUB

Excelsior Art Explosion will allow Digital Action Hub to offer bi-monthly art-making events for neighborhood children and youth during the 2016-2017 school year.   Excelsior Art will expand DaHUB services making a drop-
in space where kids can create digital and traditional art without the need to sign-up or pay fees. In addition to providing a space, project themes, and supplies, we will invite guest artists to teach specific mediums and share their experience and expertise with neighborhood kids.  Contact:  Paula Silva, digitalactionhub@gmail.com

Excelsior Safe and Green Streets!  Monroe Elementary PTA

In partnership with Climate Action Now, and Education Outside the Monroe Greening Committee will recruit neighbors, and school families to transform the open space from a barren patch of dead grass with tree stumps that attracts litter and waste into a vibrant tree lined green space. Included in the transformation will be the removal of concrete to install a number of trees along the street to improve storm water run-off, attract pollinators and enhance the street scape.  Students will make no litter signs and Monroe Elementary and the neighbors will work towards reinforcing a safe drop off/pick up protocol, making the corner of Lisbon and Excelsior safer for pedestrians and drivers.

Summer Youth Empowerment Summit - Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth - August 30, 2016

The project will be help educate and train local High School youth to able to articulate what’s happening in their community, and share with others to build deeper connection to our neighborhood.  We intend that young people leaving the Summer Youth Empowerment will become “ambassadors” for the community about the leadership opportunities that exist for youth.  Contact: Kimberly Banford, kbanford@colemanadvocates.org


ArtTech After School by Digital Action Hub 

Offer art and technology after school programs for elementary, high school and City College students in the Excelsior. Contact: Lulu Matute, Lulumatute@gmail.com

We Are Here by Youth Art Exchange

Create an interactive wheat-pasting mural project that engages community members in the Excelsior and beyond in creating a "quilt" that represents the diversity of SF and our neighborhood. Contact: Reed Davaz McGowan, reed@youthartexchange.org

Youth Bicycle Ambassador Project by Project Ole

PODER and SF Community School are teaming up to teach kids how to build and maintain bikes, lead monthly community bike workshops. Contact: Christy Bratt-Porter, grants@my.sfca.org

Walk & Roll Hub by Safe Routes to School / SFUSD

Encourage Excelsior Students and residents to walk and/or bike in a group once a week (Wednesdays) to promote health, community building, beautification and safety. Contact: Jacquie Zapata Chavez, 

James Denman Middle School Soccer Goal Project by JDMS Parent Teacher Student Association

Purchase two soccer goals and nets to improve the schoolyard. Have soccer field become part of shared schoolyards program. Contact: Carrie Banks, Carrie439@gmail.com

Kenny Alley Beautification Project by Friends of Kenny Alley

Friends of Kenny Alley will add greening and lighting to abate blight and combat safety problems in Kenny Alley which doesn't receive any maintenance service from SF. Contact: Grace D’Anca, mabear08@sbcglobal.net

Cayuga Stairway Mural  by Jane Merschen

Create a community mural to beautify the underloved stairway that extends from Alemany to Cayuga Street. Cayuga Indian mural will act as the artistic entrance to the Cayuga playground. Contact: Jane Merschen, nanieadult@comcast.net

Resilient Cayuga by Cayuga Improvement Association 

Neighborhood plan to insure the welfare of residents residing within the Cayuga Improvement Association area in the event of an earthquake, plane crash, BART attack, or other disaster. Contact: Barbara Fugate, CIASecretary@hotmail.com

200 Block Trumbull Empty Lot Beautification Project by Ney Street Neighborhood Watch

Turn an empty, dog feces and garbage strewn abandoned lot and turn it into a green space that will decrease dumping and beautify the neighborhood. Contact: Patricia De Fonte, Patricia_defonte@yahoo.com

Excelsior Corridor Direct Mail Project by EAG (Business Attraction & Support Committee)

Market the Excelsior Corridor to potential businesses via 2000 piece direct mail campaign in an effort to fill vacancies, revitalize our corridor and recruit new volunteers. Contact: Allyson Ritger, allysonsta@gmail.com

Safe Crossings by Excelsior Outer Mission Merchants

Pedestrian safety through increased visibility and awareness at unsignalized crossings. Contact: Grace Breyley, breyley@mac.com

Run/Walk for Literacy by Balboa BuildOn

Mission to break the cycle of illiteracy at home and in developing countries with the first ever 5K walk/run event in the Excelsior. Contact: Stefanie Almendares, salmendares@omiebeacon.org


Activating the Heart of Excelsior by Excelsior Action Group

Spark activity on the Mission street corridor and celebrate our diverse neighborhood by coordinating with various partners to sponsor a series of events at the newly-reinvigorated Persia Triangle. Contact: Stephanie Cajina, Scajina@eagsf.org

Saturday in the Park by Friends of AMP

A concert series celebrating music, dance, and artistic talent in the Excelsior Neighborhood. Contact: Linda Litehiser, linda.litehi@gmail.com

Made in the Excelsior by Youth Art Exchange 

Local youth will design, construct, display and sell original fashion pieces inspired by and made in the Excelsior. Contact: Reed Davaz McGowan, reed@youthartexchange.org

Exc/Beacon Dinner & Movie Nights 

Monthly family night that will build community and strengthen family relationships. Contact: Joni Tam Chu, jtamchu@omiebeacon.org

Family Engagement Night by Excelsior Family Connections

Quarterly events that will foster parent/child relationships, community engagement, and unite families in the neighborhood through literacy, music and movie nights. Contact: Amy Lieu, alieu@excelsiorfc.org

Excelsior Skill Share by Poder

Organize a series of skill share gatherings in the Excelsior where neighobrs come together to explore and practice themes of food justice, community health and living sustainably. Contact: Charlie Sciammas, Carlo@podersf.org

Jerry Garcia Day by Jerry Day Committee

Jerry Day promotes the Excelsior,McLaren Park, Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, and pays tribute to Excelsior native son Jerry Garcia, the most internationally well known San Francisco resident. Contact: Tom Murphy, Tmurphysf@gmail.com


Excelsior Stories by Out of Site Youth Arts

Pop Up recording booth and community space on Mission street to record family and community stories, conversations about contemporary issues, and to document the lives of residents in the eh Excelsior. 3-4 week pop up. Contact: Beth Rubenstein, Beth.rrbenstein@sfgov.org

Excelsior Community Market by Excelsior Action Group

Biweekly event in a parking lot at Persia Triangle that contributes to the community and economic development of the Excelsior through the support of local commerce, community cohesions, and public space improvement. Contact: Stephanie Cajina, Scajina@eagsf.org

Excelsior Storefront Galleries: Community Profiles by Out of Site Youth Arts

An exhibit of posters reflecting the stories of Excelsior community members to be displayed in storefront windows along the Mission Street Commercial corridor. Contact: Reed Davaz McGowan, reed@youthartexchange.org

Geneva Avenue 311 Promotion and Education by SF Clean City

Promotion of a 311 Call Center and Phone Application to help beautify and clean up Geneva Avenue and its surrounding area. Contact: Gia Grant, Gia@sfcleancity.org

Cleveland Peace Gardens by Cleveland Elementary

Build spaces for learning and growing a healthy community. Contact: Mark Sanchez, Marksanchez@sfusd.org

Healthy Connections Excelsior by Excelsior Family Connection

Promotion of improving lifestyles via yoga, food preparation classes, and other physical activities. Contact: Yensing Sihapanya, Ysihapanya@excelsiorfc.org


11th Annual Excelsior Art & Music Festival by EAG Festival Committee

Bring together the Excelsior community for a fun filled day of celebrating the neighborhood's vibrancy, diversity, and creativity. Contact: Angie Minkin, Angieminkin@comcast.net

5th Annual Excelsior Youth Summit by Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center

BHNC's Movement program in partnership with PULSE at Balboa High school will organized our 5th annual "JustUs" Youth Summit focusing on two main issues that affect the public safety of our youth and community. Contact: Rachel Ebora

Art by the People by Mama Art Cafe

A series of Art Community Engagement events during in May, June, and July at the parkelt at Mama Art Café. Contact: America F. Jimenez de Laura

Beacon Print Shop by Urban Services YMCA

Purchase a silk screen press to create a job training program at the Balboa High Print Shop. Contact: Aaron Yen, ayen@omiebeacon.org

Congdon & Trumbull Gateway to the Excels. Beautification Project by Ney St. Neighborhood Watch

Take an area where people dump trash and loiter and add plants and trees and beautify the area. Contact: Patricia Defonte, patricia_defonte@yahoo.com

Excelsior Summer Gymnastics by Koshland I PTA

Provide the youth of the Excelsior a chance to experience gymnastics during the summer. Contact: Jacquie Chavez, gogreen@gmail.com

Excelsior Eco Festival by Green Art Workshop and Excels. Boys and Girls Club

Youth led event that will bring together local businesses, community groups and neighbors to promote environmental sustainability. Contact: Elizabeth O'connor, Beth@greenartworkshop.org

Excelsior Historic Sign Project by F.A.C.E.

A celebration in recognition of the history of street names in the Excelsior Neighborhood. Contact: Linda Stark Litehiser, lindalitehi@gmail.com

Excelsior School Leaders Info/Resource Brunch by PTA

Bring together our school leaders, with community leaders, organizations and businesses to discuss how to improve education across grade levels. Contact: Jacquie Chavez, Gogreen@gmail.com

In Progress Open Mic by Active Leadership to Advancence the Youth

First Friday open mic performance and art space for neighborhood youth and community at Mama Art Café. Contact: Ryan Leano, knowledge312@gmail.com

Sidewalk Garden and Mural Project by San Francisco Community School

San Francisco Community school goal is to beautify the area surrounding the school with sidewalk gardens and a mural. Contact: Josie Lainek

Summer at Excelsior Science Workshop by Excelsior Science Workshop

Providing a drop-in service at the workshop for six weeks during the summer for children in Excelsior and surrounding neighborhoods. Contact: Sarah-Jayne Reilly, Sjreilley.msw@gmail.com

Sunday Streets Program in The Excelsior by Livable City

To provide and support the Sunday Streets program in the Excelsior. Contact: Susan King

What is Excelsior? by Out of Site Youth Arts Center

A marketing and outreach campaign that will support Excelsior Businesses and organizations while enabling neighborhood youth to develop job-readiness skills. Contact: Beth Rubenstein, Beth.rubenstein.org